Homework Ideas

Kids get the most benefit from lessons when they are practicing at home also – IN or OUT of the water.
Here are some ideas of what to practice based on the level your child is at.

Level 1

  • Holding breath in the bathtub (put diving toy at the bottom, ask child to put their face in and see how long they can hold it)

  • Float in bathtub (focus on ears in the water and chin/belly up)

  • Straight leg kicks (on the floor on tummy or sitting down on bottom)

  • Rollovers (On the floor – Lay on your belly/head down with head sandwich, roll over to float on your back, repeat)

  • Back floating on the floor  (out like a starfish, chin and belly up)

Level 1.5


  • Straight leg kicks (laying down on the ground)

  • Motor boat arms (make your head sandwich) standing, sitting, laying on the floor

  • Rollovers (Lay on your belly/head down, roll over, and float on your back- on the floor)

  • Elementary backstroke (chicken, airplane, soldier- standing up. Arms only or add 1 leg in)

Level 2


  • Backstroke (stand in front of parent/mirror. Bring one arm up straight with thumb out, slightly touch your face and turn your pinkie, then bring straight back down to the side)

  • Elementary backstroke (Chicken, airplane, soldier- standing)

  • Shark fins (with or without breathing) (say leg, armpit, reach OR sharkfin reach) -standing

  • Side bobs (in the bathtub)

Level 2.5


  • Backstroke (stand in front of parent/mirror. Bring one arm up straight with thumb out, slightly touch your face and turn your pinkie, then bring straight back down to the side)

  • Elementary backstroke standing (Chicken, airplane, soldier)

  • Shark Fins: AKA freestyle (standing in mirror: with or without side breathing (if with breathing, say “1,2,3,breath”)

  • Whipkick (legs off the bed…say bend, split, whip-straight)
    Side bobs (in the bathtub)

Level 3-5


  • Whipkick (legs off the bed… say bend, split, whipstraight)

  • Breastroke arms (standing – have kids say “pull and breath, whip kick” with arm motion)

  • Shark Fins: AKA freestyle (standing in mirror: with or without side breathing (if with breathing, say “1,2,3,breath”)

  • Stand up dolphin kick / body roll (arms down by side, and like a mermaid/merman)
    Butterfly arms (standing with the body wave / motion)

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