Swim Safe Scholarship Fund

Every Child Deserves the Opportunity to Learn to Swim Safely!

Give the gift of water safety! We know that not every family can afford swimming lessons for their child. At Swim Waco, we want to make swimming lessons accessible for all kids regardless of their family’s income level. We do this in two ways:

YOU can donate to a scholarship fund. 100% of donations go to families that cannot afford swimming lessons. Donate once or on a regular basis. If you would like to donate, please email us at swimwaco@gmail.com 

Most of the scholarships are provided by Swim Waco as an investment in the kids of our community. All the profits from our merchandise sales (swim diapers, goggles, shirts, etc.) goes toward the scholarship fund. If there are needs beyond this amount, we evaluate it on a case-by-case basis and often give discounts or free tuition beyond this amount.

Here’s some info about the Swim Safe Scholarship 

Ages: Scholarships are offered for kids age 3 years – 15 years

Prices: We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to learn to swim and realize that not all families can afford full-priced lessons so we offer the opportunity to receive discounted lessons, up to 90% off. We are a small company so the number of scholarships is limited. Many of the scholarships are provided solely by Swim Kids Waco as an investment in the kids of our community. We also are incredibly grateful for the partnership of some of our swim families who have chosen to donate money to this fund so that even more kids can learn to swim!

Attendance Requirement: 

In order to honor the investment of Swim Kids Waco and donors, we ask that families that are receiving a scholarship do not miss lessons more than 25% of the time (2 lessons for an 8 class session, 3 classes for a 14 class session). Students that miss more than 25% of the time will not be offered a scholarship again. If there’s an extenuating circumstance that causes a family to miss more than that, please communicate with us, and we will determine whether or not to make an exception. It is best for a child to get every lesson so please only sign your child up for lessons if you can make arrangements for them to be there every or almost every time.

Types of Lessons for Scholarships:

Typically we ask scholarship recipients to take group classes. If there is a special circumstance like a disability, etc., we do make exceptions to this rule, but it must be decided upon by the Swim Kids Waco staff that a child would not do best in a group class before that exception is made.

If you would like to apply for a scholarship, please fill out this form. 

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