Our Swim Method

Safety, Skill-Building & Fun Are Our Top Priorities

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We know you deeply care about your family’s safety so safety skills are incorporated every day. Kids practice life-saving techniques such as floating on their backs and “monkeying” around the edge of the pool. We talk about safety concepts such as “Never EVER swim alone,” and students practice what to do if they ever fell into the water with clothes on during our safety day. We also equip parents with water safety information so that they can best protect their families.


Research shows that in the young years, a significant amount of learning happens through play so we teach skills and safety with songs, games & lots of smiles.


When your child arrives, they will receive a colorful wristband. For each new mastered skill, we will punch a hole in the corresponding number. This allows parents and instructors to clearly see successes to celebrate and which skills need more practice. It also gives the child a measurable goal and great pride when a skill is accomplished. Once a child has mastered all the skills from one level, they can move to the next skills immediately. No need to wait for the next session.

We teach kids to swim-float-swim and this is why:

  • It enables kids to become independent swimmers more quickly than popping their heads up to breath.
  • It prepares kids to move seamlessly into side breathing. This is the breathing method for freestyle (AKA front crawl).
  • This is the safest way to swim because it saves energy, which is crucial in water emergencies.
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