Water Safety

Water Safety

Join us to make the water more safe and fun.

Ways to Stay Safe In the Water

  • Don’t depend on a flotation device. Even if your child is in a puddle jumper or floaty, closely supervise.
  • Teach your kids to swim.
  • At a beach or public pool, swim near a lifeguard.
  • Don’t overestimate your child’s swimming ability.

Learn CPR and Basic First Aid

In case of an emergency, it’s important for all caregivers to know CPR and basic first aid skills.

Watch this video as a reminder of how to do CPR (to the tune of Stayin’ Alive). Share it with friends and family!

The Red Cross offers classes that are primarily completed on your computer in addition to a 2-hour in-person session. To find a class click here.

Swim Kids Waco offers a Safety Course in the fall and spring to teach basic CPR skills and other first aid. To find out when our next Safety Course is being held, email swimkidswaco@gmail.com. (Note: This is NOT a certification class. You will not get a CPR card by attending this class.)

#1 Rule of Water Safety

NEVER EVER SWIM ALONE! This of course goes for kids but is also the safest way for adults to swim. For children, never let them swim, bathe or be near a body of water alone. For younger children, this means active supervision at all times, and for older children this might look like using the buddy system while at a pool party or at the lake. Children have drowned in less than 2 inches of water so please, never let your child be in or around water alone!

Get Formal Swimming Lessons

According to the Texas Drowning Prevention Alliance, formal swimming lessons reduce the risk of drowning by 88% for children age 1-4 so whether it’s at Swim Kids Waco or somewhere else, sign your child up for swimming lessons.

Four Safety Tips

Watch this video for 4 ways to make sure your kids have adequate supervision in the water:

  1. You are your child’s lifeguard.

  2. Make the water a tech-free zone. Put down the distractions and watch your kids.

  3. Touch Supervision: stay within arms reach when your little ones are in the water.

  4. Assign a designated water watcher when children are swimming together.

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